When an egg is fertilised it becomes an embryo. Embryos grow by dividing the cells inside them. At about day 5/6 an embryo is called a Blastocyst. The advantage of Blastocyst Cultures is the efficiency of embryo selection, because only the embryos with the best development capacity reach the blastocyst stage with higher probability of pregnancy.

The egg is fertilised following ovulation from the ovary and the embryo goes on to divide (cleave) as it travels along the fallopian tube. Blastocyst formation occurs as the embryo reaches the uterus.
Advantages of Blastocysts Culture
- In IVF standard practice it involves the replacement of embryos into the uterus, after 3 days when the embryos are at the cleavage stage of development.
- Blastocyst transfer process involves extending the period that the embryos are cultured in the laboratory to 5 or 6 days.
Who can Opt for Blastocysts Culture?
- Couple Who had previous IVF failures
- Who has relatively small number of embryos available for transfer
- Who want to avoid having a multiple pregnancy for health reasons.
Feel free to contact Currae IVF Hospital equipped with international standard IVF Lab. Our trained counselors and experienced Fertility Specialists helps to resolve your doubts in a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere. So enjoy the bliss of parenthood at Currae IVF Hospital.